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This is a private homepage. It does serve only information exchange and has a non commercial background. All contents of this homepage (texts and photos) are subject to the copyright. A commercial use of contents of this homepage is not permitted. So far not differently characterized, all photos by the author. Please respect the copyright. If you have interest in contents of this homepage, please send a mail to me. With photos and/or illustrations are not from the author, please contact the author directly. I assume no liability for contents on the linked internet sites. With inquiries in reffering to this content, please contact the webmaster of the linked website directly.
At any time I'm searching for new photos of orchids of the section (species and hybrids). If you can placed at the disposal such photos to me, I would be very grateful. Also I am interested in your cultural experiences with plants of this section. Write me your cultural conditions and the kind of your care. I will integrate these informations gladly into the respective chapter.
On this way I would like to say "Thank You" to all which are help me, for the technical advice and the support with photos and informations.
The follow information are only to contact me. Every other usage (spam) is strictly forbidden.